Case Study: Amazon Enhances Inclusive Hiring through AbilityLinks

Case Study: Amazon Enhances Inclusive Hiring through AbilityLinks

To build a diverse and inclusive workforce, employers across industries are seeking innovative solutions to connect with talented individuals from all walks of life. One success story emerges from the partnership between AbilityLinks and Amazon, a global e-commerce and technology giant. This case study dives into how Amazon, through its collaboration with AbilityLinks, has successfully enhanced its hiring landscape to become more inclusive and welcoming to individuals with disabilities.


AbilityLinks is a nonprofit organization whose platform is designed to bridge the gap between job seekers with disabilities and Veterans and employers committed to fostering diverse workplaces. The platform offers a unique and safe space for job seekers search for inclusive opportunities, while also providing employers with a platform to post job listings tailored to inclusive recruitment.

Engagement Statistics:

From the period of 2022 to 2023, Amazon's engagement with AbilityLinks has yielded impressive results. Over 450 candidates applied for various roles within Amazon through AbilityLinks. This indicates the platform's effectiveness in attracting individuals with disabilities to the available job opportunities.

Successful Hires:

Of the candidate applications received, Amazon has achieved a remarkable 24% success rate, resulting in the hiring of more than 108 individuals through These statistics highlight the platform's efficiency in not only attracting diverse talent but also in facilitating the hiring of candidates who can contribute to Amazon's mission and growth.

User Experience:

Amazon's experience in utilizing the AbilityLinks platform has been nothing short of seamless. The company reported encountering no issues during the recruitment process and noted its ability to quickly source and identify qualified candidates. This smooth experience further highlights the platform's user-friendly interface and its efficiency in aiding employers in their inclusive hiring endeavors.

Amazon’s Feedback:

When asked whether Amazon would recommend AbilityLinks to other employers seeking to hire inclusively, Amazon expressed its abosolute endorsement of AbilityLinks, highlighting the alignment between the platform's mission and Amazon's own hiring goals. The partnership between Amazon and AbilityLinks has spanned more than three years and they look forward to many more.


The case study of Amazon's success with AbilityLinks serves as a representation of how companies who commit to inclusive hiring through the platform will see amazing results. Through its partnership with AbilityLinks, Amazon has not only attracted diverse talent but has also made substantial strides in increasing the representation of individuals with disabilities within its workforce. AbilityLinks has proven to create bridges between job seekers and employers, leading to the growth of diverse and thriving workplaces.